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Affinity Premium Visa Credit Card

Posted by DB Product Review on Sunday, August 24, 2014 Under: Credit Cards

Low variable APR. Same low rate for all transactions. $50 Gift Card* after first buy. 

No yearly expense 

No expense parity exchanges and loans 

No punishment rate builds for late installments 

Sign-Up Offer 

$50 Gift Card* 


Zero Liability**: Protects you if your card is lost or stolen. Misrepresentation Protection: Real-time observing of your record for suspicious transaction action. 

Save money on Shopping with Visa: Get uncommon rebates on buys, auto rentals, lodgings, and then some. 

Free Concierge Service: Assistance with travel, lodging, restaurant, theater, and brandishing occasion data and reservations anyplace on the planet. 

Auto Rental Coverage: Excellent scope for crashes or robbery of most rental autos paid for with your card. 

Gear Delay Coverage: Reimbursement up to $100 for every day for (3) days. 

Buy Security: Reimbursement for the expense of qualified things bought with your card if there should arise an occurrence of burglary, harm because of flame, and then some. 

Guarantee Manager: Double the producer's guarantee scope on things acquired with your secured Visa card. For qualified guarantees of (3) years or less. 

Overall Travel Accident Insurance: Automatic demise and evisceration scope when you buy tickets with your card. Travel and Emergency Assistance: Help with restorative, lawful, and travel administrations. 

Crisis Cash/Card Replacement: In the occasion of a crisis, get access to money and/or a substitution card. 

its a decent Mastercard supplier with affordabble and solid rates,great for emergancies and voyaging use.i will will help with any expensis i may not be prepared for

In : Credit Cards 



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